Hotel Son Cosmet Cookies Policy

Hotelrezeption mit Sofas und Sesseln

We inform you that this website installs its own and third-party cookies when you visit its pages. If you continue browsing, we consider that you accept their use. Cookies are non-executable text files designed to store any type of information about the user. We use these files to facilitate your browsing and to obtain statistical data.

What type of cookies does this website use?

Who uses and has access to the information in the cookies we install?

Only the owner of this website and openROOM, the company that provides the owner with the site maintenance and analysis service, use and have access to the cookies on the site. Third parties who have stored cookies on your computer will have access to them.

Cookies used on this website

First party cookies

CookieID(ID of the cookie and how it appears in the browser cache)Type(Proprietary or third party)Expiration(Expiration date of the cookie once installed)Domain(Which domain the cookie is associated with)Description(Which domain the cookie is associated with)



Session (*if cookies are rejected)_x000D_
Persistent (**if cookies are acce




Session (*if cookies are rejected)_x000D_
Persistent (**if cookies are acce






Third Party Cookies

CookieID(ID of the cookie and how it appears in the browser cache)Type(Proprietary or third party)Expiration(Expiration date of the cookie once installed)Domain(What domain the cookie is associated with)Description
_gaAnalytics2 yearssoncosmet.comOnly if Cookies are acceptedStatistics. Google Analytics
_ga_[[GOOGLE-TAG-ID]]Analysing13 monthssoncosmet.comOnly if Cookies are acceptedStatistics. Google Analytics
_ga_ABCDEFGAnalytical13 monthssoncosmet.comOnly if Cookies are acceptedStatistics. Google Analytics
_gcl_auAdvertising90 dayssoncosmet.comOnly if Cookies are acceptedAdvertising. Google Analytics
_gcl_awAdvertising90 dayssoncosmet.comOnly if Cookies are acceptedAdvertising. Google Analytics
_glc_gsAdvertising90 dayssoncosmet.comOnly if Cookies are acceptedAdvertising. Google Analytics
FPAU, FPGSID, FPID, FPLCAnalyticalFrom 1 day to 18 monthssoncosmet.comOnly if Cookies are acceptedAnalytics. Google Cookies
GCL_AW_PAdvertisingFrom 1 day to 6 monthswww.googleadservices.comOnly if Cookies are acceptedExternal. Google Ads Cookies
FPGCLAWAdvertisingFrom 1 day to 6 monthssoncosmet.comOnly if Cookies are acceptedExternal. Google Ads Cookies
_fbpAnalytical3 monthssoncosmet.comFacebook Cookie
_fbcAnalytical3 monthssoncosmet.comFacebook Cookie
_hjSessionUser_XXXXXX, _hjSession_XXXXXX and others with _hjAnalyticsFrom 1 day to 18 monthssoncosmet.comOnly if Cookies are acceptedExternal. Hotjar analytics and functionality cookies
XSRF-TOKEN and cookies with hijiffy_ y wg_Analytical and functionalFrom 1 day to 18 o messenger-services.comOnly if Cookies are acceptedExternal. Analytical Cookies and functionality of Hijiffy (Chat Bot).

Third party services are beyond the publisher's control. Providers may modify their terms of service, purpose and use of cookies, etc. at any time.

PublisherPrivacy policy
Google Analytics

How to manage cookies from your browser

Delete cookies from your deviceCookies that are already on a device can be deleted by clearing the browser history, which deletes cookies from all websites visited. However, some of the saved information (e.g. login data or website preferences) may also be lost.
Managing site-specific cookiesTo have more precise control over site-specific cookies, users can adjust their privacy and cookie settings in their browser.
Blocking cookiesAlthough most modern browsers can be set to prevent cookies from being placed on your device, this may require you to manually adjust certain preferences each time you visit a site or page. In addition, some services and features may not work properly (e.g. profiled logins).

How to delete cookies from the most common browsers

Cookie settings panel

ACCEPT ALL will accept all cookies that we use on the site.

MANAGE COOKIES will allow you to configure the cookies that the website can install on your browser, except for technical or functional cookies that are necessary for browsing and the use of the different options or services offered.

REJECT ALL persistent cookies will not be installed and the installation of cookies will be reduced to those technical and functional cookies required for the correct functioning of the website with a session duration (they will be automatically deleted when the browser is closed).

ACCEPT SETTINGS will accept only the cookies selected.


Diese Website und ihre Buchungsmaschine verwenden eigene Cookies und Cookies von Dritten, um Informationen zu sammeln, um unsere Dienstleistungen zu verbessern, um Ihnen Werbung zu zeigen, die Ihren Präferenzen entspricht, und um Ihre Surfgewohnheiten zu analysieren. Der Nutzer hat die Möglichkeit, weitere Informationen zu erhalten und seine Präferenzen zu konfigurieren.

Technische Cookies Diese ermöglichen es dem Nutzer, auf einer Website, Plattform oder Anwendung zu surfen und die verschiedenen Optionen oder Dienste zu nutzen, die es dort gibt.

Analytische Cookies Sie ermöglichen es dem Verantwortlichen, das Verhalten der Nutzer der Websites, mit denen sie verknüpft sind, zu beobachten und zu analysieren.

Cookies Verhaltensbasierte Werbung Sind solche, die Informationen über das Verhalten der Nutzer speichern, die durch die kontinuierliche Beobachtung ihrer Surfgewohnheiten gewonnen werden und die es ermöglichen, ein spezifisches Profil zu erstellen, um darauf basierend Werbung anzuzeigen.

Cookies-Richtlinie anzeigen
